Rig – Mining Pool – Crypto mining

Miner is like looking for gold, the more we are, the faster we work and the more luck we have to find a vein.

The mining of crypto is the same, so it is profitable to mine in groups, and to do this you have to join a pool, in other words, a group of miners.

It exist many pools, some more substantial than others.


In this article I show you how to set your miner for Ethermine and Nanopool.

The thing to know is: At least participants are in a pool, at least blocks are discovered, but if a block is discovered, the winnings are divided among the pool participants and we can win a larger sum crypto since we are less! In short, we win less often, but more.

Conversely, the more participants there are in a pool, more blocks are discovered, the more the gains are divided between the pool participants, so we win more often, but a smaller amount of crypto.

It is up to you to choose your strategy and the corresponding poo.

If you followed my recommendations in the video about installing and configuring softwares, you will probably have downloaded Claymore’s Dual Mining.

In the Claymore’s folder you have the file “start.bat” in which you have entered (or you are about to do) the minor configuration settings.

One of Claymore’s settings allows you to specify the pool in which you want to mine, this is the parameterized  -epool.

Below, I present you two pool with which I worked, Ethermine and Nanopool.


I personally mine on Ethermine. Since there are a ton of videos talking about this pool, I’ll just explain what to do to mine it.

Ethermine offers several servers, it is best to choose the one that is closest to your geographical location.

Before choosing one, check on their website that the data has not changed.

Continent Asia Europe US East US West
Server asia1.ethermine.org eu1.ethermine.org us1.ethermine.org us2.ethermine.org
Port 4444

Being in Europe, I show you here what should follow the -epool in your “start.bat” : eu1.ethermine.org:4444

Below, the example of my “start.bat” file for a 4 GPU rig:

cmd /K "start /B EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal 0xd26aa4e73cAec0271b7a317b28F6a3aac39633e8.MForgeTuto -epsw x -mode 1 -allpools 1 -cclock 1150,1150,1150,1150 -mclock 2150,2150,2150,2150 -cvddc 860,860,860,860 -mvddc 860,860,860,860"

Once you’ve started mining, wait an hour or two, and then go to see your miner’s statistics on https://ethermine.org/miners/VotreWallet, replace VotreWallet by the public key of your wallet 🙂


Other Pools are also interesting, for example Nanopool, which works with the same principle:

  1. Go to the website of Nanopool ;
  2. Click on the “Quick Start” button under the crypto that you want to mine;
  3. In the new window, in the “How to connect” section click on “Generate your config”, below the example for Ethereum :
  4. Complete the form :
    1. Windows or Linux
    2. Nvidia or AMD
    3. The name of your miner, if you have several, it’s easier to identify them;
    4. Your email to be informed of the activities of your miner, or also in case of problem;
    5. Your geographical location, this allows Nanopool to choose the server closest to you;
    6. The crypto you want to mine;
    7. Your wallet;
    8. In case of dual mining, the info of the 2nd crypto to be mined.
  5. Click on “Generate”, this will create a zip that you will have to download. This zip contains a file “start.bat” prepared with the information that you have entered previously;
  6. Unzip it, and look (with notepad ++ for example) what this file contains;
    1. Example for ETH solomining :

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool eth-eu1.nanopool.org:9999 -ewal 0xd26aa4e73cAec0271b7a317b28F6a3aac39633e8.MForgeTuto/ -epsw x -mode 1 -ftime 10

Once you’ve started mining, wait an hour or two, and then go to see your miner’s statistics on https://eth.nanopool.org/account/VotreWallet, replace VotreWallet by the public key of your wallet.

I hope that now you see more clearly, I wish you a lot of pleasure in the world of crypto. 🙂

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